Many dates are under negotiation/preparation. We are waiting to be able to communicate on them soon...
Belgium, France, UK - Spring/Summer 2024 tour coming soon.
They've been there!
Here is a non-exhaustive list of places where the Demented Brothers have played some form of show.
Douai (FR), Douchy-les-Mines (FR), Grenoble (FR), Woluwe-Saint-Pierre (BE), Annœullin (FR), Wavrechain-sous-Denain (FR), Wattignies (FR), MCCS of Molenbeek (BE), La Filature of Bazancourt (FR), La Spirale of Fismes (FR), Le Patis in Le Mans (FR), Merville Cultural Center (FR), Haubourdin Street Festival (FR), Rue du bocage (BE) in Herve, "Epinal moves in the summer" - Epi nal (FR), Ruez-Vous Festival of Valbonne (FR), Saint-Pol-sur-Mer (FR), Les Riches-Claires (BE), Le Petit Théâtre of Templeuve (FR), Village scene - Beauchevain (BE) - La Tchatche (BE), Jardin rouge festival, Amsterdam - Gare Saint Sauveur, Lille - Le leû festival (BE) - Italia's Got Talent, TV, Italy - America's Got Talent, TV, USA - iUmor, TV, Romania - Le Grand Tremplin de l'Humour des Tanzmatten, Selestat (FR), France's Got Talent 2019 (TV show, M6) - Château de Louvignies, Crazy'Circus Festival, SOIGNIES (BE) - Cabaret La Casquette, BRUSSELS - TsoinTsoin & Tagada, BRUSSELS - Clown act festival, GRENOBLE - Le Spotlight, LILLE - Late Night Cabaret, Zwevegem (BE) - Espace Mac Orlan, PERONNE (FR) - Las Bobinas, ZULTE (BE) - Gitannekesfoor, DIEST (BE) - Festival Risquons tout en Goguette, MOUSCRON (BE) - Auderghem neighborhood festival, BRUSSELS - Spring Festival in Métalu, HELLEMMES-LILLE (FR) - Le Moulin Fantôme, opening act for La Rue Kétanou, TUBIZE (BE) - Le Spotlight, LILLE - Café Zeezicht, ANTWERP (BE) - Tryart café, BRUSSELS - Las Bobinas, ZULTE (BE) - La Brique, BRUSSELS - L'os à moelle, BRUSSELS... GHENT, ROTTERDAM, CARCASSONNE, LIGURIA (IT), ZÜRICH...